Monday, December 27, 2010

Scripture Meditation: Hiding God's Word in Your Heart

We become what we meditate on. The scriptures tell us that
a good man out of the good treasure of his heart creates
that which is good. If we become or manifest what we
continually think about, it is imparity that our thoughts
and meditations reflect that which is good, holy, and
loving. Fortunately, we have a whole arsenal of scriptures,
verses, and passages right at our finger tips that we can
meditate on daily. As we meditate on the scriptures or
inspirational passages, these words begin to drop down in
our spirit and transform us from within, beginning with our
heart. As we continue with the practice, whether it takes
days, months, or years, we will be changed. This is called
Scripture meditation.

Through Scripture Meditation we learn how to quiet our
minds and control our thoughts. The Bible tells us that the
mind is the greatest enemy of the believer. Our minds are
depraved. Our minds are unregenerated. Our minds are filled
with all types of evil. Our minds war against the Spirit.
Our minds want to be in control and if you are not
controlling your mind, then your mind is controlling you
and most of us are completely unaware of it. If we slowed
down our thoughts and just listened, many Christians would
hear a silent message playing over and over again. If these
mental messages are uplifting and positive, then we are
most likely attracting the good associated with our
thoughts. But for many people, our mental messages our
fear-based, debilitating and often laced with worry and
other toxic emotions. These thoughts which areplanted deep
within ourconsciousness cause us to miss out on the peace,
joy, and prosperity that God wants to provide for us.If we
are not monitoring our thoughts, it can lead us astray and
out of the loving provision of God.

2 Cor. 10:4-5; 11:3 "But now I am fearful, lest that even
as the serpent beguiled Eve by his cunning, so your minds
may be corrupted and seduced from whole-hearted and sincere
and pure devotion to Christ!

Through meditation or Scripture Meditation, we learn how
to:1) become an observer of our thoughts, 2) to quiet our
minds and control our thoughts, 3) reduce stress, 4) uproot
negative and destructive thoughts or patterns for positive
and empowering ones 5) be still and connect with God, 6) be
led by the Spirit instead of being lead by the flesh, 7)
become more Christ-like, because we become what we meditate
on, 8) subdue our flesh and reduce or eliminate compulsive
behaviors or conditioning.

With all those benefits shouldn't every Christian be a
meditating Christian? Absolutely, and what can be more
Godly than meditating on the Word of God. Joshua 1:8 tells
us that meditating on God will cause us to have success in

"Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on
it day and night, so that you may be careful to do
everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and
successful." - Joshua 1:8 "I have hidden your word in my
heart that I might not sin against you." - Psalms 119:11

What better way to hide God's Word in your heart than to
meditate on it everyday? And meditating on the scriptures
is very different than just reading them. How many times
have you read the scriptures and didn't understand them or
soon forgot what you read? By meditating on the scriptures,
by slowing and silently repeating them in your mind, you
are allowing the scriptures to seep deep down into your
consciousness where they can take root and grow. It's not
even necessary that you think about the meaning of the
words. The Bible tells us that God's word cannot return
void. As we hide God's word in our heart, it will take root
and grow a harvest of God's kingdom right here on the
earth. Jesus said I will keep thee in perfect peace whose
mind is stayed on me.

Learn how to eliminate worry, negative thinking, and stress
by meditating on the Lord. Visit for free scripture
meditation course and Christ-centered meditation CDs and
resources. Need a Spiritual Makeover? Visit .

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Judge Not

Copyright (c) 2010 Scott F Paradis

The first sin of ego is hubris - arrogance. The arrogance
of ego is to insist, "I know best." "I know what is right."
"I know the answers." "I know the way." "And the world will
conform to my will." This all to frequent human failing is
illustrated through an old story:

A man of supreme faith in God waited and watched as
torrents of rain fell raising the nearby river. In a few
days the river overflowed its banks. The water began to
flood the man's home. After three days of fighting off
flood waters a neighbor came by in a canoe to ask our hero
if he needed help getting to dry land. No, the man
insisted, God would care for him. He sent the good
Samaritan on his way. The water continued to rise, until
the man was trapped on the second story of his house.
Within hours a speedboat came by, its driver offered the
man a lift to drier, safer ground. Again the man rejected
the offer; God would save him. The waters continued to
rise, forcing the man to scramble onto his roof. As
daylight broke after a miserable night a helicopter flew
in, dropping a line to pull the man to safety. Again the
man refused, claiming God would rescue him. Finally raging
waters collapsed the house, drowning our would-be hero in
the torrent. The man, upon seeing God in heaven, lamented,
"Lord I put my faith in you to rescue me." God looked at
the man with pity and replied, "Well, heck, I sent a canoe,
a speedboat, and a helicopter — what more did you

Like this man, we invest ourselves in the belief that life
is supposed to be a certain way. We mistakenly punish
ourselves through pride and hubris as we seek to be "right"
rather than to be "happy"; to get "our way" rather than to
"have peace"; to be "vindicated" rather than exist in
"harmony." We judge people and circumstances that do not
measure up to our preconceptions.

We judge people and conditions by appearance, by demeanor,
by expression, by every sense and faculty. Every judgment
is an exultation of "I" - "ego" over the "other" and the
"whole." We seek power, we crave control, even if only in
the confines of our self-righteous sentiment. By extolling
ego and making judgments we remain lost and alone in a
divided, dangerous world - a circumstance of our own

To be and accept fully what you truly are — a child
of God — embraced by the Creator's immeasurable love,
you must release the vain comfort of judging. As you
journey through the adventure of life, forego the ego's
attempt to seize power and bestow position by condemning
individuals or circumstances. Discipline your need to
judge. This is no easy task — the ego is a crafty
force. Only through personal vigilance, can you master ego.

Luke, chapter six, verse 37 reads: "Judge not lest ye be
judged." This exhortation is not so much a foreboding of
the end days and final judgment as it is practical advice
to realize a full and fulfilling life. The opportunity
before you is one of unlimited potential. Do not squander
the prospect for joy by shackling yourself to unproductive
perceptions. Don't waste your energy judging and

Refuse to judge, rather meet life on its terms and revel in
the adventure trusting that God has the big picture well in

Scott F. Paradis, author of "Promise and Potential: A Life
of Wisdom, Courage, Strength and Will" publishes "Insights" and
a free weekly ezine, "Money, Power and the True Path to
Prosperity", subscribe now at

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Who, What and Where we Really Are, According to Archangel Metatron:- The Supreme Angel of Death

I am fortunate to be partnered with a wife, Jill, who is an
Avatara:- a person chosen by the Godhead, to deliver
messages for the benefit of mankind. The way this is done
for most 'true' psychic mediums, is by telepathy, however,
an Avatar, or Avatara (female), has the ability to allow
spirit to take over their body and speak through them, with
their own personality, not that of the medium.

On this occasion, Archangel Metatron was channelling
through Jill, with a very important message for us.

He started by saying, "Perhaps we should begin with
teaching others the basics of who, what and where you
really are."

In the beginning, the one conscious energy, as in the
Bible, created light. Those light shards are what is termed
the 'soul'. So in reality, you are light. Your thoughts,
feelings and experiences collectively help to create the
atmosphere and world you live in today. Which is why, to
your every action, there is a reaction, but not just in a
singular way. For your actions also have an impact on the
collective dimension, therefore this will affect people and
the environment you believe to be thousands of miles away
from you.

He went on to say that, to understand this, we must look at
what you term as time. Time is not linear. It cannot be
truly measured from one point to another horizontally. Time
to us, is non-existent. All things are relative, if instead
of time, you consider dimensions. A table may appear solid,
but it's energy. It's light. It vibrates at a certain
speed. In another dimension, this could appear as a liquid
mass floating in a particular area of space.

If you could create a hologram of yourself, we could look
at time in a different view. You'd be able to see below
your feet was the past, whilst still remaining in the
present; and also by altering your view and looking upward,
you'd be able to look at what yet has to come, if you
continue with your current actions. This is why, as
light-bearers of the one conscious thought, we can appear
to many people simultaneously.

By looking at life, or time: which ever you prefer, you
would also see that your actions would very much still
affect the past and the future, for they are one and the
same. Your past, you must remember, is like the table; it
isn't solid. It only 'appears' to be gone. This will be a
hard concept to learn for many, but we hope that with more
time, the reality of what we say will become A New Belief
for all to learn from and understand.

You will see that it is the conscious thought that changes
and impacts your environment. Try to think of yourself as
light. If you use logic to analyse what is given here, you
will not learn, so use your creative energy, your
God-energy to try to understand.

You may feel it is impossible to change the past, but you
can bring back the past, or repeat the past in order to
change the direction of your life and that of others,
through your actions and deeds now. This is why you have
memories, to help you descend back into time and relive
those moments, to change your present and future.

It was at this point that Jill started a two-way
conversation with Metatron.

Jill: So without time, we have no past or future?

Metatron: That is correct to some extent. You are light, so
look at how much light you can spread now. Your whole
essence of how brightly you shine is down to how you feel.
Your feelings or thoughts, if you wish, will draw to you
what you believe to be true.

To understand dimensions better; if thought becomes
reality, then there are no laws or limitations on what can
be achieved. It is only the belief that imprisons one's
ability. Let us say that in the first dimension you were a
flower, and in the second dimension you were a caterpillar,
and in the third dimension a human being. If you had to
return back to the first dimension, you would only have the
thought or idea of what it was like to be human. You would
have no point of reference on which to share with other
plants what you actually experienced.

You can never destroy a thought, once it has been thought.
It is there, no matter what.

Metatron went on to explain that humans refuse to believe
that they have the ability to visit other dimensions. You
only see yourself as the physical body. If you take away
your laws and limitations, you can go anywhere, be anything
and do anything. You don't need a space machine to do this.

The One Conscious Mind; Energy; God; is an intelligent
energy that is able to absorb feelings, and create from
those feelings. The one true source of this energy is love.
The feeling of love creates light.

Once you understand these spiritual foundations of who you
really are, it will help you to see that your reality holds
no bounds except those you place on yourself.

There are many people who will refuse to acknowledge that
what Metatron says here, is the one truth, but hopefully
you will see the resemblance to what is given, and to those
whose life is placed and lived through the words of the
Bible... "Let there be light. And there was light."

When Metatron left us this day, he left us with this
expression, "Blessings of love and light are placed upon
you. May you continue to shine your light as a beacon for
those who are lost to negativity, to enable them to find
you and us."

Glenn Harrison is an ANGEL MESSENGER. He was contacted by
The ANGEL OF DEATH: Archangel Azrael, in 2005; and later,
recorded messages from over 50 Archangels, Ascended Masters
and Light-Beings.
If you want more messages like these, get our first book
'Conversations with Archangels' -
FREE at :==>

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Monday, December 20, 2010

If You Have Faith of a Mustard Seed: Removing the Mountains in Your Life

Jesus said that if you the faith of a mustard seed that you
can tell this mountain to be cast into the sea and it must
obey you. Many believers are living with mountains in their
life that God wants to tear down. Often we see mountains as
external forces that keep us from meeting our goals;
however, many of the mountains we face our internal. These
are mountains of fear, self-doubt, un-forgiveness,
unbelief, and more. A mountain can be anything that keeps
you from accessing all that God has for you.

When you think about mountains you may look at them as
obstacles that stand in the away of your needs or desires.
You may believe that if only you had more money, a better
job or a spouse (or a new one) that all your worries would
be over. But the most challenging mountains aren't those
that we see through our physical eyes. The most challenging
and debilitating mountains and hills are the ones that we
don't see at all. They are the mountains ranges that we
play over and over in our mind. That stretch of terrain
that tells us like a broken record, what's wrong with us,
what's wrong with them, and what's wrong with our life.
It's that tirade of thinking that keeps us in victim
instead of victor mode.

If you find yourself unsatisfied or complaining about
various aspects of your life, it's time to take inventory
of what you're thinking on a continual basis. Often times,
these thoughts comes so fast and are so intertwined with
each other that they appear to be a great big blur. And
because we've been thinking the same thoughts for so long,
we just think they are a part of who we are. These thoughts
are also emotionally charged. Therefore, if the majority of
your thoughts are self-debating or hopeless, they may cause
you to be depressed. If the majority of your thoughts focus
on all that is wrong with your mate or another person, it's
going to cause you to be critical, judgmental, and possibly
angry towards that person instead of compassionate and

In order to remove the most devastating mountains from your
life, you must overcome them by first, paying close
attention to your thinking and then secondly, casting down
every thought and imagination that exalts itself against
the kingdom of God. That means eliminating every thought
that promotes fear, separation, anger, and strife. The
Bible tells us to cast down every thought and imagination
that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring
into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
If you really want to remove the mountains in your life, it
begins with seeing and changing how you think.

One of the most effective ways to take authority over your
thoughts and mind is Christian meditation or meditating on
the scriptures. By Christ-centered meditation, I mean
spending time everyday meditating slowly on the scriptures
allowing God's word to penetrate your heart. You can drown
out your negative thinking with the word of God until God's
word is the prevalent voice in your head. By meditating on
the word, you allow it to seep deep down in your spirit,
where it begins to change both your thoughts and your
character into the likeness of Christ. Then when the
mountains arise, you can resist, climb, or cast them into
the sea where they lose their hold and grip over you and
you can walk in victory in Christ.

Jesus said I will keep thee in perfect peace whose mind is
stayed on me. Learn how to eliminate worry, negative
thinking, and stress by meditating on the Lord. Listen to
Christ-centered meditation Cds that teach you how to take
authority over your thoughts and bring them under the
kingdom of God. Visit
for Christian meditation resources and tools.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Role of Women in Christian prophecy

The Bible is fond of a metaphor for the church of Christ: a
body. Inside of us are individual parts that either
function well or do not.

Unfortunately, for one reason or another, the controversy
over the role women have in church leadership still exists.
While this is a debate within the church, it is clear:
there are many examples of Bishops and Elders of the church
inside of the Bible.

What about Christian prophecy?

There is also controversy over the roles of women as
prophetesses. Again, the Bible - by far clearest voice of
the authority of God in the church - is crystal-clear on
the role of Christian prophecy for women. God wants women
in prophetic roles. He knows that there is a place for them.

God placed women in roles as prophetesses in the Old

Here is a (short) list of prophetic roles for women in the


And Miriam the Prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a
timbrel in her hand; and all the women out after her with
timbrels and with dances.
And Miriam answered them, Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath
triumphted gloriously; the horse and his rider hath he
thrown into the sea.
-Exodus 15: 20-11


And Deborah, a Prophetess, the wife of Lapridoth, she
judged Israel at the time.
And she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah
and Beth-el in mount Ephraim: and the children of Israel
came up to her for judgment.
-Judges 4:45


So Hilkiah the priest, and Ahihm, and Achbor,and Shaphan,
and Asahiah, went unto Huldah the Prophetess, the wife of
Shallum the son of Tikvah, the son of Hnrhas, keeper of the
wardrobe; (now she dwelt in Jeritsalein in college);
and they communed with her.
I1 Kings 2234

New Testament Prophetesses:


And there was one Anna, a Prophetess, the daughter of
Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and
had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;
And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years,
which departed not from the temple, but served God with
feelings and prayers night and day.
And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto
the Lord, and spake of him to all them that looked for
redemption in Jerusalem.
-Luke 2: 36-38

It is clear, there is a Biblical precedent for women inside
of prophetic roles within the church of God. Christian
prophecy should fully include women into the body of
Christ. The church of Christ is a body, and the body should
have every joint in place. Women are - by far—the
large untapped resource to bring the glory of God unto the
church. This is true of almost every single denomination,
church, small group and family; each of these groups should
give women a robust role in Christian prophecy within the
church. If it is true (and it is) that the church is a body
then half of the body is not being used like it should be.
Let us energize this important half of the body of Christ
in the role of the Christian body; galvanizing women into
prophetic roles whenever the Holy Spirit calls.

Faith has that unfathomable ability to cut through the
toughest of times. The Holy Spirit is a willing teacher and
we merely are its pupils. Did you know Christian prophecy
could actually help you out in your turbulent times? Find
out how

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Ask and Believe Then Leave the Results to God

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in
prayer," declares Matthew 21:22. Many Christians are aware
of a type of prosperity Christianity that tells us if we
have enough faith, we can receive from God whatever we
desire. Such terms as "name it and claim it" depict that
all we have to do it express our desires to God and He is
just standing by to fulfill our every wimp and want.

God does want us to trust and put our faith in Him for
everything we need; however, it's just as important that
when we ask, we give God the room to answer our prayers in
the best way he sees fit. Often, in our limited
understanding, we may ask for things according to our flesh
and not the will of God for our lives. The Bibles says that
we may not receive from God because we are asking amiss or
out of our own lust. When God said he will give us the
desires of our heart, he is also saying that he will plant
the desires as well. The more in alignment we are with
God's spirit, the less we will ask for things contrary to
God's will for us. Have you ever asked God for something
and once you got it, you wished you hadn't- that job that
you hated or that boyfriend or girlfriend that broke your
heart? Waiting on God is more for our good and protection
and never God's way of punishing or torturing us.

When it comes to asking God to fulfill our desires it is
also important that we surrender these affections to the
Lord. Our motto should be, "if it's not good enough for
God, then it's not good enough for us." But in addition to
giving God freewill to bless us in his own way and timing,
it is equally as important that we leave the results to

Leaving the results to God means detaching from the outcome
of what we are requesting. That means once we ask, we let
go and let God. We don't try to make it happen. We don't
look for it under every nook and cranny. We don't help God
out or continue to pray and pray for its manifestation.
Instead, we detach from the outcome knowing that God is in
complete control and that we can trust him to do what is
best both now and in the future. It means waiting on God
with faith and expectancy knowing that God is working out
all things for your highest good.

But many Christians have a hard time letting go and
detaching from their desired outcome. Maybe you've had your
mind on something for a longtime and the thought of waiting
for it any longer is more than you can bear. I believe that
most of the worry, anxiety, and frustrations we experience,
come from our inability to live without immediate
expectation. When we expect something and it doesn't happen
it leaves us feeling empty, fearful, and depressed. But if
we look at it a little closer, what we have actually done
is created an idol out of the affection. We believe that
the desire will bring a source of fulfillment or happiness
to our lives. We believe this item, situation, or person,
will make us or our life more complete.

The problem with this type of thinking is that we've lost
our first love which is Christ. We've allowed deception or
seduction to enter our minds as well as our hearts and led
us away from the love of our Lord. We begin to believe that
something other than God can plug up the gaps or holes in
our life. Our attention has been pulled away from Christ
and within, to seeking solace, contentment, and peace from
the external or without.

When we can ask for something and leave the results to God
while we wait in expectancy on the Lord, we are following
Jesus's command, to "seek ye first the kingdom of God and
his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto
you." When the Lord is the object of our affection, nothing
outside of us can take the Lord's place and if God grants
us with such things, it is more like the icing on the cake,
an added blessing that God bestows upon us because he loves
us so.

When we make our request made known to God, and then detach
ourselves from the outcome, we can live in peace, joy, and
contentment while waiting on God to work all things out for
our highest good. When our thoughts begin to lead us
astray, we must continue to bring them under the authority
and word of God. We must continue to confess that we are
complete in Christ and that we have everything we need.

Christ-centered meditation or meditating on the scriptures
helps us to hide God's word in our heart and to continually
practice his presence. The Bible says that in God's
presence is fullness of joy. Isn't it wonderful that we
don't have to search for joy in people, places, or things?
We can find joy in the fullness of God and that fullness
resides within us, within our own hearts.

Whatever you are asking or believing God for today, believe
that you have received it and it will manifest as God's
best and you don't have to think about it a second longer.

Jesus said I will keep thee in perfect peace whose mind is
stayed on me. Learn how to eliminate worry, negative
thinking, and stress by meditating on the Lord. Visit to listen to
Christ-Centered Meditation Cds that teach you how to
control your thoughts and bring them under the kingdom of

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Would Christians and Athiests eat Pork, Sausage, Bacon and Ham if they Knew it was Killing Them?

Eating pig products such as sausage, ham and bacon is
disabling millions of people with Arthritis and skin

Have you ever wondered why Christians and Athiests eat
bacon, sausage, pepperoni, ham and pork, even though it is
disabling them and forbidden in the Bible?

Why do Christians eat shellfish, squid, rabbit, duck, and
many other unclean foods, which God forbade us from eating,
for our own health's sake?

Pig products, in particular, are killing people slowly. In
the Holy Bible, it is clearly stated in the books of
Leviticus and Deuteronomy, that God told us not to eat
swine (pig). Deuteronomy means 'the second telling'; so why
do Christians fly in the face of God and eat these unclean

It is written in the Qur'an, the Kabala and Jewish
religious text, that these same things are forbidden to
eat. God does not differentiate between races, so is it a
coincidence that the three main religions all have these
unclean foods written into their history?

So why do Christians ignore God's word? Let me explain:-

Many Christians do not accept the Old Testament in the
Bible, with the pretext that the New Testament overrides
it. There is a small discussion in the Book of Mark, where
Jesus Christ is talking with Mark:-

Mar 7:14 And when he had called all the people unto him,
he said unto them, Hearken unto me every one of you, and

Mar 7:15 There is nothing from without a man, that
entering into him can defile him: but the things which come
out of him, those are they that defile the man.

Mar 7:16 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.

Mar 7:17 And when he was entered into the house from the
people, his disciples asked him concerning the parable.

Mar 7:18 And he saith unto them, Are ye so without
understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever
thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile

Mar 7:19 Because it entereth not into his heart, but into
the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all

Mar 7:20 And he said, That which cometh out of the man,
that defileth the man.

Mar 7:21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed
evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,

Mar 7:22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit,
lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

Mar 7:23 All these evil things come from within, and
defile the man.

In short, as a result of this paragraph, Christians have
been led to believe that it is OK to eat any of God's
creatures. WRONG!

Jesus was trying to get the message across that our words
are the most harmful thing to mankind, so choose them
wisely. Jesus is quoted as saying that any meats eaten by
men, are purged, which has been interpreted to mean you can
eat any meat and it is not detrimental to your health.

Well, in one point of view, this is correct. If you eat a
rat, chances are, that your immune system will fight any
toxins and disease and you will excrete them out. You may
get a little ill, but you will probably be OK. If you eat a
dead rat, chances are you will become a little more ill.
However, if you eat a wild rat a day, it won't be long
before you get seriously ill.

In an emergency, it is OK to eat from a pig, to survive,
but the long-term effects of eating pig products regularly,
are disastrous.

How many people get seriously ill from eating shellfish
too, to the extent that people get skin rashes and
sickness? Shellfish are the filterers of our oceans, and
our oceans are so toxic, that eating shellfish is dangerous.

You can eat meat which is 'off' and only have an upset
stomach, but if you keep eating it regularly, you will be

Archangel Metatron is the voice of God, light, the one
conscious energy. Through trance-channelling with my wife,
he has explained to us the dangers of eating those things
we were told not to eat. Shellfish, pigs, ants,
cockroaches, to name a few, are part of God's 'Clean-up
Brigade'. They were designed to clean up our planet.

The pig is the most consumed unclean animal on our planet.
It has a rapid digestive system, which doesn't get rid of
toxins and parasites through its stomach. It gets rid of
them through a myriad of tubes, throughout its flesh, which
culminate at one tube, half way up the inner fore-legs of
the pig and constantly drips from an open exit.

When we slaughter a pig, all that bile remains in the
flesh, that 'you' eat. The pig produces Mesenchymal Mucus,
which you eat, and then it collects in your joint soft
tissue area. The sulphur in the mucus, softens your
ligaments, and over years, becomes the worlds greatest
cause of Arthritis. This is just ONE of the complaints
people get from eating pig. How about Warts, Skin Tags,
Exzema and Psoriasis, to name a few?

Do your research. Search on the net for 'dangers of eating
pork'. Search 'You Tube' for 'Pork and Coke' and watch over
40 experiments of people pouring Coke over fresh pork
chops; and watch the parasites emerge.

I have stopped eating pig products completely, and within
two months, my painful arthritis has eased immensely. My
skin tags under my arms receded and my acrid sweat smell
from overnight sleep had gone (from the sulphur in the
Mesenchymal Mucus).

My friend did the same and his morning headaches
disappeared. A 39 year-old woman in agony from arthritis,
took up the mantle, and stopped eating her regular bacon
and sausage, and within 5 days, she emailed me to tell me
her pain had eased.

The biggest consumers of pig products are Americans,
Chinese and Europeans. Look at the statistics for Arthritis
and obesity.

If you check, you will find that a pig has DNA which is the
closest DNA to a human. Eating a pig is comparable to
cannibalism. Our immune system has difficulty recognising
the pig we have eaten, and our own body, so gets confused
and will often attack our own body.

The pig is infested with parasites because it eats
anything:- its own faeces, dead-born piglets, rotten food
and infested food.

Research will have you believe that these parasites are
killed at 140 degrees centigrade (284 degrees Farenheit)
cooking temperature. Many are, but some survive, and of
those that don't; you are still eating dead parasites.

Other clean animals, such as cow, sheep, goat and deer,
digest food very slowly, and eat mainly grass, so are safe
to eat. Let us not get confused with cows which are
force-fed and genetically modified with chemically altered

Chicken should have been OK to eat, because it is naturally
a grass eater, but we have forced these birds to eat
whatever we give them, in order to survive, and we have
changed their structure. Do your best to find free-range

Being uneducated about the dangers of eating pig products
is slowly disabling people.

Time you did your research. Join the Pork Police. Let
others know what you have found, and plant some seeds of
thought. God, light, the one conscious energy, will take it
from there.

Glenn Harrison is an ANGEL MESSENGER. He was contacted by
The ANGEL OF DEATH: Archangel Azrael, in 2005; and later,
recorded messages from over 50 Archangels, Ascended Masters
and Light-Beings.
If you want more messages like these, get our first book
'Conversations with Archangels' -
FREE at :==>

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Believe In Life

Copyright (c) 2010 Scott F Paradis

What do you believe in? Do you believe in destiny? Do you
believe in the system? Do you believe in yourself? In life
after death? In God? We typically think of the word belief
as an opinion or conviction about something - an existence
not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof. The truth,
however, is that your beliefs shape what you experience in
this reality. What you believe matters.

The origin of the word "belief" offers a telling verse.
Belief is a compound word with parts synonymous to: "be" -
"by" and "lief" - "live." Taken together, the meaning of
something we "believe in" is something we "live by". This
etymology sheds light on the age old debate between the
advocates of faith as a means to salvation and those that
assert works are key to a full and fulfilling life. The
word belief means that acts and faith are inextricably
linked. What you do, the actions you take are in accordance
with your beliefs. The proof of your faith is in your works
- the truth of your words is in your deeds.

Relying on this meaning of the word suggests "beliefs"
determine a worldview inextricably linked to how you live.
Rational explanations (or intellectual fabrications)
notwithstanding, beliefs organize your life. You do what
you believe.

So, again: What do you really believe?

You can determine this only by observing how you live, how
you respond to others, how you respond to the world around
you, and what you in fact do.

Honestly making this assessment: Do you like what you see?
Is it time to change?

By nature we are a nostalgic breed. It may be the distance
of time, but it seems the only thing people prefer to the
way things are, is the way things were. We seek security in
the past and attempt to prolong the glory of prior
triumphs. We resist change. But life doesn't work that way.
You see, life is on the move, life is constant change. You
are on a journey from where you are to where you are meant
to be.

Instead, of reminiscing or pining for the past, begin where
you are now. Though you may temporarily succumb to doubt
and fear, or mistakenly take a path of least resistance,
recognize progress in this reality entails struggle and
involves risk. It is time to act; it is time to change
beliefs, to be what you really are, to become whole.

The purpose of life is to grow and expand. Sometimes, you
might say often, the prospects of growth, with their
attendant trials and tribulations, are uncomfortable and at
times painful. The thing about life though is - you cannot
get from the start to the end without going through the
middle. So if you aspire to grow, if you aspire to learn,
if you aspire to be and become - aspire to life. Believe in
life and you will act accordingly.

Scott F. Paradis, author of "Promise and Potential: A Life
of Wisdom, Courage, Strength and Will" publishes "Insights" and
a free weekly ezine, "Money, Power and the True Path to
Prosperity", subscribe now at

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Edit Your Thoughts

Typing away on your computer you have no doubt had the
spell checker engage when you misspell a word. That handy
red line appears under the word that is identified with an
incorrect spelling. Most of these programs even give you a
list of possible correct spellings for that particular word.

I know when I type an article, it is important to me to
have all the words spelled correctly. So I appreciate the
spell checker feature. For me, it is a very helpful tool
in editing what I write.

Of course, when it comes to speaking, most of the time we
do not have a grammar checker in our brain. Many of us use
incorrect grammar when we talk. But for the most part, we
all seem to get by and understand each other.

But what about editing your thoughts? We all have
thousands of thoughts pop in our heads every single day.
Do we need to edit those? Is that something that needs to
concern us?

The answer to that question depends upon whether or not you
believe that your thoughts affect your life. The Bible is
very clear about the effect your thoughts have on your
life. Self help and motivational speakers as well as
teachers have been talking about it for a very long time.

The Bible says that we ought to guard our heart with all
diligence because from it are the issues of life; our life.
It also states that out of the abundance of the heart the
mouth speaks. And of course, the verse that has been
referred to for centuries: as one thinks in his own heart,
so is he.

Perhaps you have heard a self help or motivational speaker
talk about how our thoughts determine our lives. Maybe you
have read something similar in a book. It has been said by
countless people for many, many years that you can change
your circumstances by first changing your thoughts.

If all that is true, then I say we do indeed need a
"thought checker." We need to recognize if something we
are thinking about is not productive. We really do need to
edit our thinking.

How do we do that? It's really quite simple, but it does
take a little effort. But, the effort is well worth it.

First we need to make a decision to monitor our thoughts.
We need to take note of what we are thinking. The best
place to start is with your thoughts about yourself.

Each and every thought you have about yourself must be
monitored and evaluated. You can decide to either allow
that thought to stay, or determine that it needs to go. If
it needs to go, then you toss it out of your mind and
replace it with something that is profitable and beneficial
to your life.

For example, you may be thinking about how you can't
possibly expect to be financially successful. You may have
all kinds of reasons and experiences to back up that kind
of thinking. And so, you accept the thinking that you are
one of those persons who just needs to settle.

That is in fact destructive thinking. When you recognize
that kind of thinking, you need to stop right then and
there and simply say, "No!" Refuse to accept that kind of
thinking, and throw those thoughts out the window.

Next, replace those thoughts with positive, encouraging
thoughts. Stop allowing your experiences, or the odds, or
your present circumstances to dictate how the rest of your
life is to be. As one thinks in his heart, so is he.

The Bible is full of God's promises of success. He wants
you to be happy and blessed in all that you do. But He
will not get inside of your brain and change your thinking;
that is something that you must do.

People in every walk of life who are successful do not have
a lousy opinion of themselves. They do not think that they
can't achieve, rather they think and believe that they can.
They actually see themselves achieving the things that
they desire.

It all starts with deciding which thoughts you want to
entertain and keep. Your thoughts, like a rudder on a
great ship will set the direction and course for your life.
Change and adjust the rudder by tossing out destructive
thoughts, then replace them with productive thoughts.

You can change your life today, one thought at a time.

Michael A. Verdicchio offers a FREE eBook, "9 Keys to
Answered Prayer!" for signing up for his FREE weekly news
letter, "The Pep Letter," at Michael is a husband,
father, minister, author, broadcaster and the voice on
numerous projects and productions, Get a FREE Lifetime
Membership to when you subscribe
for FREE to his inspiring blog.

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The Genesis Account of Creation

The first portion of the book of Genesis presents the story
of creation. But it provides more than simply an Israelite
cosmology. It offers an understanding of various Near
Eastern cosmologies or the remnants of the former religious
ideas still existent in the memory of Israelite society.
More importantly, it provides a response to these ideas.
Genesis conveys the idea of the one God that created the
world according to His will, without restraint.

Before reviewing the specific manner in which Genesis
addresses the claims of competing Near Eastern cosmologies,
a brief assessment of the former is appropriate. They
typically begin with a theogony, a story relating the
origins of the gods and include a genealogy of those
deities that existed before the world's creation. They also
generally include the various conflicts and wars between a
variety of deities which ultimately lead to the creation of
the earth and the heavens. While they appear with
variations among the surrounding cultures, recurring
characters in these creation stories include Yam (Sea),
Nahar (River), Leviathan (Coiled One), Rahav (Arrogant One)
,and the Tannin (Dragon).

One of the most common creation stories of the Near East is
the Babylonian epic Enuma Elish. In this story, nothing
existed before earth and heaven were formed, except water.
This is a theme which is retained in the Biblical account
in Genesis which states: "Now the earth was formless and
empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep..." The
two generative elements were identified with the monstrous
Apsu, the primordial sweet water ocean embodied as a male,
and his female consort, Tiamat, represented by the
primordial saltwater ocean. From the mingling of these two
bodies of waters, the gods were given birth. This process
continued several times leading to the rise of additional

The rise of the gods and their subsequent revelry disturbs
the precious tranquility previous experienced by Apsu and
Tiamat. In order to recapture their previous tranquility,
they attempt to destroy the gods. The plan however is
frustrated by Ea, the earth-water god. The stories
continues with Tiamat marshaling her forces to do battle
against the gods, with the god Marduk as their head.
Marduk, having agreed to lead the gods against Tiamat, is
granted sovereignty over the universe in exchange for his
leadership. Marduk proves successful in his fight against
Tiamat, and slays her. Tiamat is cut in two and one half of
her body creates the firmament of heaven, while the other
serves as the foundation of their earth. In the end, human
beings are created to free the gods from menial labor. The
first man is incidentally fashioned out of the blood of
Kingu, the second spouse of Tiamat and the captain of her

The purpose of the Babylonian Epic is rooted in its
explanation of the origin of the gods familiar to the
people of Mesopotamia. It also provided an explanation of
the origin of the universe. Lastly it provided the
structure reflected in Babylonian society that explained
the nature and purpose of man as a servant or slave to the
gods and to the state.

Jacob Lumbroso is an enthusiast for foreign languages and
cultures. He writes articles on history and languages for and is currently
working on a book for learning Italian.

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Teaching My Children About Other Religions

I am a Roman Catholic. That is my religion, and I am happy
to say so, but it hasn't always been that way. I don't
wear a badge stating my beliefs, but I do often pray a
silent prayer of thanks, and turn to the Virgin Mary when I
have big problems that require the rosary.

I was from a large Catholic family, born to a Protestant
father and Jewish/Catholic mother who sought a religion to
raise the large family they intended to have. I think
Catholicism was the obvious choice, as my mother's closest
relatives on her father's side were Catholic, and they were
a big part of raising our large brood that grew to 11
children. The reasoning behind it does not really matter.
I was baptized Theresa Eileen, and raised in the Catholic

Gosh, that was easier than I thought it would be, because
in this new wave of "don't offend anybody", it seems those
of us brought up in traditional religions should just keep
quiet, and be amongst ourselves. On the other hand, if you
are of the new mega church religion, by all means stand on
the rooftop and shout as loud as you can! I am not
against mega church ministry. I believe if it gets you
closer to God, then by all means… But one time, I
was told I was going to hell because as a Catholic I prayed
the rosary. This on the heels of a good deed in serving
lunch to a new tired mother. And just like that, the woman
who was a former Catholic, and now born free again, spews
hate. What church teaches hate?

I am actually going to thank Stephanie Nielsen for this
article and courage to own my religion. Stephanie writes
the über popular NieNie dialogues, and she is a proud
as can be follower of the book of Mormon. She does not hide
her Mormon faith, nor does she shove it down your throat.
She invites you to learn about it; if you are so inclined.
I started reading NieNie, just a week or two before a
tragic plane accident that nearly took the life of
Stephanie and her husband who she calls Mr. Nielsen. Can
you imagine? One day, she is a cute, fresh faced young
wife and mother of four, and then the next day she is
wrapped as a mummy fighting for her life, and bringing
forth every ounce of faith she has in a higher power to
keep her on this earth no matter the consequences, just to
see her children grow? Who has that kind of faith?

People who own their religion have that kind of faith.

And I know, because it is my faith that got me through 13
pregnancies, only to see four children survive. It was my
faith that had me carry one child to term, only to hold her
for her entire life on earth, before God took her home

It is my faith that has taken me through a near death
experience of a pulmonary embolism the day before I was to
bury my own child. A few years prior to that, there was
the out of control Mack truck meeting with my small sedan
on a busy Los Angeles freeway. My pregnant 8 month belly,
and one year old child in the back seat as we careened
across four lanes before coming to rest at the center
divider. Clearly God sent guardian angels to save us
during all of those trying times.

As a young child sailing around the world on a 32 foot
sailboat, it was my faith and inner dialogue with God that
got me through the night and helped us survive storms we
had no business sailing in. I felt his presence. I could
not explain it, but I knew God was with me. Time and
time again faith knocked at my door, and I totally took if
for granted. I could not imagine being without my faith,
and so it was hard to understand those who struggle through
life without some belief.

Oh sure, there were obvious days that we were allowed to
show we are Catholics, such as Christmas and Easter, and
communions and baptisms. Not to mention of course the
Sundays in church sitting, standing, kneeling, reciting the
gospel, The Lord's Prayer, and committing to our Apostles

My faith was always there, but it seemed shrouded in a way,
that one did not want to offend anyone who may believe
differently. And then I realized that my friends outside
of that mean spirited woman, were perfectly ok with me
being a Catholic.

My kids have celebrated Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Passover, and sat
Shiva. They have celebrated Muslim holidays with feasts to
fill a table with no room to sit. They have mourned during
Muslim passings, and sat through prayer services. All in
the spirit of fellowship and love. No negative thoughts
were passed amongst us. It was our mutual respect for one
another and our religions that brought us together.

One year, I had Mormon Missionaries at my door. Very young
men away from home for the very first time, so skinny from
their poor dietary habits, it was the one thing I noticed.
So, I told them. "I am a Catholic. I am not converting,
but if you are hungry, I will feed you on Mondays ( which
is their day of chores and such). And so it was, on
Monday, they would come by and enjoy dinner, and sing or
read to my kids. They would read their favorite passages,
and another learning opportunity about a different religion
was presented to my kids.

And now, here it is Christmas 2010. Still not always ok
to say "Merry Christmas." But this year I am rebelling.
In my simple childhood, I can remember joyful years of
town centers proudly displaying Christmas trees and Santa
in the window. City buildings all lit up, the Christmas
pageants at school, and the carolers at the front door.
The magical parade down main street, and boats full of
lights in the harbor. The famous Hollywood parade, which
was once called the "The Santa Claus Lane Parade."

Society has placed so much taboo and offense on "Merry
Christmas", that you don't know what to say. And then I
realized, it is those that own their religion that know
exactly what to say. "Happy Hanukkah my friend." "Merry
Christmas!" "Blessings of Ramadan!", and "Happy Kawanzaa!"

But what if you don't know their beliefs? Is it December
15th? "Merry Christmas" is perfectly acceptable in my
opinion! They have the choice to return the greeting. You
are simply stating the obvious. The holidays are upon us,
and you are wishing your fellow-man good tidings. It also
offers the opportunity to share your home and holiday with
someone who does not celebrate. Invite them in. Isn't
brotherhood what owning your religion is all about? In
my opinion, there is no greater honor than that of being
asked to join in another families celebration.

See this all through the eyes of a young innocent child.
You see a head cover, they see a new friend. You see a
cross, they see a friend. You see a Star of David, they
see a friend. You see skin that is darker than yours, or
eyes that are shaped different, and all your child sees is
a friend.

Today, I own my religion, and I am decking the halls, and
enjoying all good things that are Christmas! And on the 1st
of December? I will wish all of my dear Jewish friends
peace as they begin the celebration of the Festival of
Lights. Happy Hanukkah!

This year I send greetings from my home to Utah to the
beautiful miraculous Nielsen family. They survived the
un-survivable, and they find joy in every day simplicities
of love and life. Stephanie and I both wish in our heart
of hearts for more children, but I know for sure the four I
have were not supposed to be here, and in that I am so
blessed. I am going to paraphrase something Stephanie said
about her children. "I hope you enjoy your children as
much as I enjoy mine. And if you don' is your
fault!" Remember the baby I mentioned earlier in the
article that went home to God on her first day of life?
Her name was Stephanie. I see that as no coincidence, but
merely a guardian angel leading me to a blog I needed to
become a part of!

It is the mothers that are the peacemakers. Open your
heart to one another, and do not shy away from one another
based on your religion. Own it, share it, and pray for
those with no faith at all.

Theresa Santoro has over 30 years experience as a Nanny,
and 22 years as mom. Married for 28 years, and mother to
four, The Fine Art of Parenting helps parents with a common
sense approach to raising strong, independent adults. For
a daily coffee talk, join me at

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christian Prophecy Today

Copyright (c) 2010 Zoe Ministries

What is the difference between a Prophet who foretells
according to the Holy Spirit and a person that is merely a
fortune-teller who claims to be practicing Christian
Prophecy? There are many differences, and the distance in
holiness between the real-thing and its fake model is
unfathomably large. While we know that the holiness of God
is only present among those who practice true Christian
prophecy, the difference between what merely looks like
true prophecy and true prophecy is more subtle. Why is
this? Because mankind is fallible but God is not. God knows
what true prophecy is, the church needs the assistance of
God in knowing the difference.

One major difference is a prophet is touched and truly
motivated by the Holy Spirit. We especially know where the
Holy Spirit is by knowing what it is not. An example of
motives not touched by the Holy Spirit: money, fame, power.
Let us see how these three influences are not of the Lord:

Money: The New Testament has several unkind words on greed.
The love of money has absolutely nothing to do with the
Holy Spirit. The two are completely opposed.

Fame: God does not care about the amount of fame that a
prophet has. Fame for its own sake is as bad as the other
bad influence on a prophet:

Power: This is similar to fame. Power manifests itself in
fame as one way, money as another. Another might even be
high status in the family or status in the church due to an
ostensibly prophetic gift. If the reason why this church
member practices Christian prophecy is that they want more
power in the church or any other group of people, this is
not prophecy!

These are the ways to tell what Christian prophecy is not.
Another way to find out if someone practices Christian
prophecy is to ask...

What is Christian prophecy motivated by?

A true prophet is motivated by bringing glory and honor to
Jesus. The central question to ask when wondering if a
person is truly practicing Christian Prophecy: what is the
motivation? If they sound like the famous Jerry McGuire
line show me the money! they do not have the power of
Christian prophecy. In a nutshell: if a prophet benefits
from anything except the glory of the Lord, it is not

What makes for authentic Christian prophecy is not always
dependent on the content of the message of the prophet but
also the focus that the prophet puts on his prophecy inside
of the church; the context that the prophet speaks under.
The emphasis on prophecy is actually not to predict the
future; the focus is communicating Godly principles to
Christians. This is one of the most misunderstood elements
of Christian prophecy. Christian prophecy might predict the
future but it might not. The message of God has much more
to do with the purpose of your life and the way that the
church can reflect his glory than it has to do with simply
predicting the future.

Basically this criterion boils down to this truth on
Christian prophecy: if a church treats prophecy like a
parlor trick: the prophecy is a parlor trick.

A lot of people are unaware about the power of Christian
prophecy in a true sense. It gives hope to the hopeless. Do
not ignore the power of prophecy and its supernatural
empowerment. Check out and
how you can benefit from it.

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