Monday, December 27, 2010

Scripture Meditation: Hiding God's Word in Your Heart

We become what we meditate on. The scriptures tell us that
a good man out of the good treasure of his heart creates
that which is good. If we become or manifest what we
continually think about, it is imparity that our thoughts
and meditations reflect that which is good, holy, and
loving. Fortunately, we have a whole arsenal of scriptures,
verses, and passages right at our finger tips that we can
meditate on daily. As we meditate on the scriptures or
inspirational passages, these words begin to drop down in
our spirit and transform us from within, beginning with our
heart. As we continue with the practice, whether it takes
days, months, or years, we will be changed. This is called
Scripture meditation.

Through Scripture Meditation we learn how to quiet our
minds and control our thoughts. The Bible tells us that the
mind is the greatest enemy of the believer. Our minds are
depraved. Our minds are unregenerated. Our minds are filled
with all types of evil. Our minds war against the Spirit.
Our minds want to be in control and if you are not
controlling your mind, then your mind is controlling you
and most of us are completely unaware of it. If we slowed
down our thoughts and just listened, many Christians would
hear a silent message playing over and over again. If these
mental messages are uplifting and positive, then we are
most likely attracting the good associated with our
thoughts. But for many people, our mental messages our
fear-based, debilitating and often laced with worry and
other toxic emotions. These thoughts which areplanted deep
within ourconsciousness cause us to miss out on the peace,
joy, and prosperity that God wants to provide for us.If we
are not monitoring our thoughts, it can lead us astray and
out of the loving provision of God.

2 Cor. 10:4-5; 11:3 "But now I am fearful, lest that even
as the serpent beguiled Eve by his cunning, so your minds
may be corrupted and seduced from whole-hearted and sincere
and pure devotion to Christ!

Through meditation or Scripture Meditation, we learn how
to:1) become an observer of our thoughts, 2) to quiet our
minds and control our thoughts, 3) reduce stress, 4) uproot
negative and destructive thoughts or patterns for positive
and empowering ones 5) be still and connect with God, 6) be
led by the Spirit instead of being lead by the flesh, 7)
become more Christ-like, because we become what we meditate
on, 8) subdue our flesh and reduce or eliminate compulsive
behaviors or conditioning.

With all those benefits shouldn't every Christian be a
meditating Christian? Absolutely, and what can be more
Godly than meditating on the Word of God. Joshua 1:8 tells
us that meditating on God will cause us to have success in

"Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on
it day and night, so that you may be careful to do
everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and
successful." - Joshua 1:8 "I have hidden your word in my
heart that I might not sin against you." - Psalms 119:11

What better way to hide God's Word in your heart than to
meditate on it everyday? And meditating on the scriptures
is very different than just reading them. How many times
have you read the scriptures and didn't understand them or
soon forgot what you read? By meditating on the scriptures,
by slowing and silently repeating them in your mind, you
are allowing the scriptures to seep deep down into your
consciousness where they can take root and grow. It's not
even necessary that you think about the meaning of the
words. The Bible tells us that God's word cannot return
void. As we hide God's word in our heart, it will take root
and grow a harvest of God's kingdom right here on the
earth. Jesus said I will keep thee in perfect peace whose
mind is stayed on me.

Learn how to eliminate worry, negative thinking, and stress
by meditating on the Lord. Visit for free scripture
meditation course and Christ-centered meditation CDs and
resources. Need a Spiritual Makeover? Visit .

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Judge Not

Copyright (c) 2010 Scott F Paradis

The first sin of ego is hubris - arrogance. The arrogance
of ego is to insist, "I know best." "I know what is right."
"I know the answers." "I know the way." "And the world will
conform to my will." This all to frequent human failing is
illustrated through an old story:

A man of supreme faith in God waited and watched as
torrents of rain fell raising the nearby river. In a few
days the river overflowed its banks. The water began to
flood the man's home. After three days of fighting off
flood waters a neighbor came by in a canoe to ask our hero
if he needed help getting to dry land. No, the man
insisted, God would care for him. He sent the good
Samaritan on his way. The water continued to rise, until
the man was trapped on the second story of his house.
Within hours a speedboat came by, its driver offered the
man a lift to drier, safer ground. Again the man rejected
the offer; God would save him. The waters continued to
rise, forcing the man to scramble onto his roof. As
daylight broke after a miserable night a helicopter flew
in, dropping a line to pull the man to safety. Again the
man refused, claiming God would rescue him. Finally raging
waters collapsed the house, drowning our would-be hero in
the torrent. The man, upon seeing God in heaven, lamented,
"Lord I put my faith in you to rescue me." God looked at
the man with pity and replied, "Well, heck, I sent a canoe,
a speedboat, and a helicopter — what more did you

Like this man, we invest ourselves in the belief that life
is supposed to be a certain way. We mistakenly punish
ourselves through pride and hubris as we seek to be "right"
rather than to be "happy"; to get "our way" rather than to
"have peace"; to be "vindicated" rather than exist in
"harmony." We judge people and circumstances that do not
measure up to our preconceptions.

We judge people and conditions by appearance, by demeanor,
by expression, by every sense and faculty. Every judgment
is an exultation of "I" - "ego" over the "other" and the
"whole." We seek power, we crave control, even if only in
the confines of our self-righteous sentiment. By extolling
ego and making judgments we remain lost and alone in a
divided, dangerous world - a circumstance of our own

To be and accept fully what you truly are — a child
of God — embraced by the Creator's immeasurable love,
you must release the vain comfort of judging. As you
journey through the adventure of life, forego the ego's
attempt to seize power and bestow position by condemning
individuals or circumstances. Discipline your need to
judge. This is no easy task — the ego is a crafty
force. Only through personal vigilance, can you master ego.

Luke, chapter six, verse 37 reads: "Judge not lest ye be
judged." This exhortation is not so much a foreboding of
the end days and final judgment as it is practical advice
to realize a full and fulfilling life. The opportunity
before you is one of unlimited potential. Do not squander
the prospect for joy by shackling yourself to unproductive
perceptions. Don't waste your energy judging and

Refuse to judge, rather meet life on its terms and revel in
the adventure trusting that God has the big picture well in

Scott F. Paradis, author of "Promise and Potential: A Life
of Wisdom, Courage, Strength and Will" publishes "Insights" and
a free weekly ezine, "Money, Power and the True Path to
Prosperity", subscribe now at

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Who, What and Where we Really Are, According to Archangel Metatron:- The Supreme Angel of Death

I am fortunate to be partnered with a wife, Jill, who is an
Avatara:- a person chosen by the Godhead, to deliver
messages for the benefit of mankind. The way this is done
for most 'true' psychic mediums, is by telepathy, however,
an Avatar, or Avatara (female), has the ability to allow
spirit to take over their body and speak through them, with
their own personality, not that of the medium.

On this occasion, Archangel Metatron was channelling
through Jill, with a very important message for us.

He started by saying, "Perhaps we should begin with
teaching others the basics of who, what and where you
really are."

In the beginning, the one conscious energy, as in the
Bible, created light. Those light shards are what is termed
the 'soul'. So in reality, you are light. Your thoughts,
feelings and experiences collectively help to create the
atmosphere and world you live in today. Which is why, to
your every action, there is a reaction, but not just in a
singular way. For your actions also have an impact on the
collective dimension, therefore this will affect people and
the environment you believe to be thousands of miles away
from you.

He went on to say that, to understand this, we must look at
what you term as time. Time is not linear. It cannot be
truly measured from one point to another horizontally. Time
to us, is non-existent. All things are relative, if instead
of time, you consider dimensions. A table may appear solid,
but it's energy. It's light. It vibrates at a certain
speed. In another dimension, this could appear as a liquid
mass floating in a particular area of space.

If you could create a hologram of yourself, we could look
at time in a different view. You'd be able to see below
your feet was the past, whilst still remaining in the
present; and also by altering your view and looking upward,
you'd be able to look at what yet has to come, if you
continue with your current actions. This is why, as
light-bearers of the one conscious thought, we can appear
to many people simultaneously.

By looking at life, or time: which ever you prefer, you
would also see that your actions would very much still
affect the past and the future, for they are one and the
same. Your past, you must remember, is like the table; it
isn't solid. It only 'appears' to be gone. This will be a
hard concept to learn for many, but we hope that with more
time, the reality of what we say will become A New Belief
for all to learn from and understand.

You will see that it is the conscious thought that changes
and impacts your environment. Try to think of yourself as
light. If you use logic to analyse what is given here, you
will not learn, so use your creative energy, your
God-energy to try to understand.

You may feel it is impossible to change the past, but you
can bring back the past, or repeat the past in order to
change the direction of your life and that of others,
through your actions and deeds now. This is why you have
memories, to help you descend back into time and relive
those moments, to change your present and future.

It was at this point that Jill started a two-way
conversation with Metatron.

Jill: So without time, we have no past or future?

Metatron: That is correct to some extent. You are light, so
look at how much light you can spread now. Your whole
essence of how brightly you shine is down to how you feel.
Your feelings or thoughts, if you wish, will draw to you
what you believe to be true.

To understand dimensions better; if thought becomes
reality, then there are no laws or limitations on what can
be achieved. It is only the belief that imprisons one's
ability. Let us say that in the first dimension you were a
flower, and in the second dimension you were a caterpillar,
and in the third dimension a human being. If you had to
return back to the first dimension, you would only have the
thought or idea of what it was like to be human. You would
have no point of reference on which to share with other
plants what you actually experienced.

You can never destroy a thought, once it has been thought.
It is there, no matter what.

Metatron went on to explain that humans refuse to believe
that they have the ability to visit other dimensions. You
only see yourself as the physical body. If you take away
your laws and limitations, you can go anywhere, be anything
and do anything. You don't need a space machine to do this.

The One Conscious Mind; Energy; God; is an intelligent
energy that is able to absorb feelings, and create from
those feelings. The one true source of this energy is love.
The feeling of love creates light.

Once you understand these spiritual foundations of who you
really are, it will help you to see that your reality holds
no bounds except those you place on yourself.

There are many people who will refuse to acknowledge that
what Metatron says here, is the one truth, but hopefully
you will see the resemblance to what is given, and to those
whose life is placed and lived through the words of the
Bible... "Let there be light. And there was light."

When Metatron left us this day, he left us with this
expression, "Blessings of love and light are placed upon
you. May you continue to shine your light as a beacon for
those who are lost to negativity, to enable them to find
you and us."

Glenn Harrison is an ANGEL MESSENGER. He was contacted by
The ANGEL OF DEATH: Archangel Azrael, in 2005; and later,
recorded messages from over 50 Archangels, Ascended Masters
and Light-Beings.
If you want more messages like these, get our first book
'Conversations with Archangels' -
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